Recent images of Tahlequah, the whale who carried her dead baby for over 17 days on a tour of grief through the Salish Sea, has touched the hearts of people all over the world. The southern resident orca whales, including Tahlaquah's family, are unique in the world and a critically endangered species hovering on the edge of extinction. Only 74 whales are left. There have been no successful live births in over three years.
The orca whales are starving. With a decimated salmon population, polluted waters and constant vessel traffic, they are struggling to feed themselves. We support the petition to designate a Whale Protection Zone and marine sanctuary, initially proposed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in 2009, and the current petition submitted to the NOAA in 2016. The proposed WPZ is in Haro Strait off the west side of San Juan Island, a known rich feeding ground for the endangered whales.
Multiple studies have concluded that underwater acoustic vessel noise interferes with the southern resident orca whale's ability to hunt and communicate successfully and is the #2 cause of their rapid decline. A Whale Protection Zone, or marine sanctuary, would allow these whales to hunt, forage, mate and give birth in relative peace.
The whale watching industry in and around the San Juan Islands has increased to 67 companies, with an active fleet of 103 boats that follow the endangered orca from dawn till dusk, seven days a week. When chinook salmon counts are low, the presence of motorized boats increases the orcas' need for food while decreasing their ability to forage, leading to consumption of their own toxin-laden blubber as they starve to death.
In the last two years alone, eight adult whales and an unknown number of calves have perished. Recovery of the orcas' preferred prey, chinook salmon, may take decades. Please show your support for Tahlequah and her family by letting our elected officials know you support the Whale Protection Zone in Haro Strait.
Please sign the petition and ask NOAA to take action now to save the whales. Thank you on behalf of Tahlequah and the endangered southern resident orca whales.
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