I have been actively involved in the case of the dog "Scotty" in Philadelphia and it's absolutely heartbreaking. The public is outraged & would like to see change in laws for dogs like him. "Scotty" lives every day in a dirty igloo, surrounded by his own fesces. He is tethered from early morning until evening. Although he would love to sprint and run, he only has limited space to walk. The tether gets wrapped around his neck and limits his mobility. His only source of water is and has been frozen in a bucket. His face has the look of defeat while his body tells the sad story of abuse and neglect that he's endured for the past 6 years of living outdoors. There's no one to hold him when he's hurting or a warm, soft blanket to lay his tired body on. His life from day to day is to watch the yard. It only differs if the weather changes then maybe he may lay on the concrete in the sun or sit with rain pouring on him. He has no toys or children to pet him. He only stares at his owner's door in hopes it will soon open. Unfortunately there are many other "Scotty's" out there.
As the animal community world was watching "Scotty", so many more dogs living outdoors in freezing conditions came to our attention. We then began to see how many dogs were affected not only to freezing code blue conditions but also to extreme heat conditions. Sadly this has been going on for sometime now especially with allowing dogs to live outdoors in Pennsylvania. The graphic images of deceased dogs left a mark on not only our hearts and but our minds as well. I have seen and cared for dogs covered in scars from burns on them from living in metal sheds or neck lacerations from being tethered outdoors. This is animal cruelty, neglect  and abuse.
Animals cannot change the conditions that they live in.
This is why we are asking for a new law to be set in place in Pennsylvania called "Scotty's Law " and Libre's Law be amended.  Unfortunately like "Scotty's" case, not all "owners " are complying with Libre's Law. We are asking to amend Libre's Law to that NO dog be left outside no more than 30 minutes when temperatures are lower than 45 degrees and NO dog be left outside no more than 30 minutes in over 85 degrees or higher. We ask this because every dog breed handles cold and heat differently. Different ages of dogs also handle weather differently.
Today under Libre's Law, even if there's a "shelter" on the property, a dog is allowed to still remain outdoors in freezing & extreme hot conditions. This is considered by most to be absurd and animal cruelty and abuse.
We ask a new law be passed called "Scotty's Law" that NO dog be allowed to live outdoors in the state of Pennsylvania for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, EVEN if there is a form of "shelter" outdoors.
Why own a dog just to leave them outdoors 24 hours 7 days a week? Every animal deserves a happy, healthy life free from suffering and a life protected from inhumane treatment.  A dog should be a member of our family not a possession. Today, the dogs who mainly live outdoors are used for guarding homes that are involved with illegal activities and unfortunately most outdoor dogs are used for breeding and sadly as bait dogs and dog fighting dogs.
Dogs are domesticated animals. The days of dogs guarding properties because of lack of security systems, locks or technology are long gone. We live in a new time and a new era and dogs today are considered family members and can alert intruders from inside the home. I urge you, please please help to change the laws in Pennsylvania for our loyal, loving dogs. We are all they have to speak on their behalf and to protect them. It is our responsibility as humans to provide them with care and humane treatment. We are all they have and they depend on us.
Animals can feel pain, fear, joy and love just like humans but they do not have a voice.
We must be their voice.

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