Find & Charge Person in Dog Hanging in Alaska

  • al: Sue Lee
  • destinatario: Anchorage, Alaska Police and Animal Control Departments

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to help the Anchorage, Alaska Police Department to find and prosecute the person responsible for hanging a sweet and gentle dog from a tree deep in the woods. Someone must have seen, heard or knows something that can provide leads in an arrest of this abusive individual.

A man was walking through a wooded area near 20th and Rosemary in Anchorage, Alaska when he spotted a Pitbull dog carcass hanging from a tree with its throat slashed. The animal apparently has been there for a while and did have a microchip in its ear to locate the owners of the dog, found to be named Snoop. When questioned, the owners who live in a nearby in a Penland Mobil Home Park stated they thought that Snoop had simply run away about a week ago. What baffles me is, did they not frantically try and search for the animal, report the situation and desperately get help in finding who they claim was just like a family member?

Police and animal control officers are asking for anyone's help in finding out who did this horrendous act of cruelty to Snoop. Someone must have seen, heard or knows of any tips that can help in locating this animal abuse individual. Any tips and information about the case can be shared anonymously if you just call Crime Stoppers at 561-STOP or submit a tip online. Let's find justice for Snoop!!

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to help the Anchorage, Alaska Police Department to find and prosecute the person responsible for hanging a sweet and gentle dog from a tree deep in the woods. Someone must have seen, heard or knows something that can provide leads in an arrest of this abusive individual(s).



Anchorage, Alaska Police and Animal Control Departments - We are pleading with you to dig deeper into the death of Snoop the dog, found with its throat slashed and then hung from a tree to its death. Someone has got to know, seen or heard something. Begin by checking each member of the family individually, followed by all residents of that mobile park who may have had a vendetta against him because of barking or something that was disturbing to them. They could have called authorities rather than take matters into their own hands. Someone wanted this poor animal dead. Do not stop your investigation until the criminal is locked away for a very long time, never to own or be near any other animals for eternity! This was brutal and someone needs to pay!

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