Tell Trump he needs to dump Matt Gaetz NOW and withdraw his nomination for Attorney General

Donald Trump was crazy to nominate Matt Gaetz in the first place, and now it's time to end the whole horrifically embarrassing episode, and withdraw his nomination for Attorney General.

Trump screwed up, big time, and he needs to admit it.

Gaetz was spectacularly unqualified for the position, both by experience (or lack thereof) and by moral character (also none). Plus, he was under investigation for about a zillion unsavory and/or illegal things. Hollywood couldn't have scripted a less suitable nominee for the top legal position in the nation.

And the reaction has been profoundly negative, with even some Republicans finding their spines, and coming out against Gaetz. It's time to end this.

Sign on, and tell Trump to dump Gaetz, and withdraw his nomination for Attorney General.

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And... he's gone! Matt Gaetz has dropped out. Please join us in telling Trump to pick a real attorney general, not a joke. click here
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