justice for Charlie left in cage for weeks starved

Charlie was found in a dumpster in a cage too small for him he was a victim of horrible abuse. He had starved and was covered in open sores he was left for three weeks in this cage in his own urine and stools. He fought to free himself. He was skin and bones.There is never an excuse for this cruelty how could you go to sleep at night and leave him like that .We are asking for a maximum jail sentence.

Your Honor,

These signatures are from people who signed my petition for Justice for Charlie, the dog who was starved and thrown away in the trash in a cage. Charlie never left that cage; he suffered horribly for his entire life. Please take our thoughts into consideration in this case.

Thank you,

All of the people who signed this petition.

Actualizar #2hace 8 años
Thank you for signing the petition for Charlie the dog starved and thrown in his cage in dumpster.He lived in that cage his during his one year life his owner Miss Schmuck didn't want to pay a pet fee to the apartments she rented from.So Charlie paid with his life he was left in that cage covered in poop and urine with sores all over and he gave up sick unable to eat he passed away.Court date is May11 2016 at Ipm. I have mailed all the signatures to Judge Gattermeyer. Thank you again.
Actualizar #1hace 9 años
next court date march 16 please share
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