NC: Don't Make it a Crime to Educate People About Fracking Risks!

Three Republican senators in North Carolina introduced a bill that would charge individuals with a crime for disclosing confidential information about the chemicals used in fracking. Though fire chiefs and health care personnel can obtain this information during emergencies, the bill allows companies who own the chemical information to require emergency responders to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Fracking chemicals are considered to be "trade secrets," but people should have the right to know what chemicals are pervading the land they live on, the air they breathe and the water they drink. A criminal charge is way out of line and would place certain concerned citizens in the same category as murderers and rapists. Please sign the petition to urge North Carolina legislators to reject this bill!

As you know, three North Carolina senators introduced a bill that would charge individuals with a misdemeanor for disclosing confidential information about the chemicals used in fracking. Though fire chiefs and health care personnel can obtain this information during emergencies, the bill allows companies who own the chemical information to require emergency responders to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Fracking chemicals are considered to be "trade secrets," but people should have the right to know what chemicals are pervading the land they live on, the air they breathe and the water they drink. As an analogy, food and drink recipes are considered "trade secrets," but their ingredients must still be disclosed to inform people about calories and allergens. A criminal charge is way out of line and would place certain concerned citizens in the same category as murderers and rapists. We respectfully urge you to reject this bill. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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