B.A.P. Pacific Tour Extra Dates

  • al: Ingrid Perez
  • destinatario: B.A.P., BABY, BABYs, BABIES, Powerhouse, Verizon, Verizon APAHM Tour, TS Entertainment

On behalf of my fellow BABYZ who were not able to get tickets for the B.A.P.  Pacific Tour, I request TS Entertainment and Verizon to add extra shows for the sold out venues. I know your frustrations and the stress one goes through whenever concert tickets go on sale, so let's try to make a second opportunity open for all of us! 

The original dates were:
5/7 - Los Angeles at Club Nokia 
5/10 - San Francisco at The Warfield 
5/14 - Washington DC at Warner Theatre
5/17 - NYC at Best Buy Theater

B.A.P., a South Korean hip hop boy band that debuted in early 2012, is known for their perfect dance moves, charisma and great voices. The group’s name is an acronym for “Best Absolute Perfect.” The group’ six members – Bang Yong Guk, Kim Him Chan, Jung Dae Hyun, Yoo Young Jae, Moon Jong Up and Choi Jun Hong (Zelo) – have tried to distinguish themselves from other boy bands by cultivating a “bad boy” image. Watch the music videos of their hit songs “Warrior” and “Power.”


Power: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBSaX3jvyEc


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