Demand an end to underwater bomb blasts that kill whales

Underwater bomb blasts in Scottish waters have led to the death of pilot whales.  Please sign this petition to demand that the government does not conduct underwater bomb blasts that kill whales.

Pilot whales are highly sociable, gentle, family-orientated animals. At the Kyle of Durness in Sutherland in July 2011, there was a mass stranding of 70 of these innocent animals, 19 of whom died. Government scientists believe that nearby detonation of bombs left over from military excercises damaged the whales' hearing and navigational abilities. This drove the whales onto the beach, which proved fatal for many of them.

Please sign this petition to let the government know that we do not want pilot whales to be killed in the name of military exercises. If enough people sign, they will have to stop conducting these dangerous underwater explosions.

Actualizar #1hace 8 años
We're nearly at 100,000 signatures! Thanks so much for all the signatures, comments and shares. The petition has now been delivered to Rt Hon Michael Fallon MP, the Secretary of State for Defence. We'll let you know when we get a response. For now, the petition will remain open to sign, comment on and share. Thanks again!
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