The national parks of the United States are being made available for big industry and private interest groups to exploit.
Add your name if you want to stop this, before it's too late.
"For more than 100 years, professional management of our national parks has been respected under both Democratic and Republican administrations.
"Career public servants of the National Park Service (NPS), charged with stewarding America's most important places, such as the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone and the Statue of Liberty, were left to do their jobs," said Yahoo News.
But now that is all changing...
For the worse.
According to the same source: "The change began within 24 hours of the inauguration of Donald Trump when he complained that the NPS was reporting smaller crowds on the National Mall than Obama had drawn.
"Soon the interior secretary, Ryan Zinke, attempted to double the entrance fees, rescinded climate policies and moved seasoned senior national park superintendents around to force their retirements."
Next, "David Bernhardt populated too much of the department's political leadership with unconfirmed, anti-public land sycophants, and announced a reorganization to install his own lieutenants to oversee super regions, realigning NPS from seven regions to twelve in the name of greater efficiency."
"Then came the decisions to leave the parks open to impacts during the unfortunate government shutdown, illegally misuse entrance fees, open park trails to e-bikes, suppress climate science, kill wolf pups and bear cubs in their dens to enhance "sport hunting", privatize campgrounds, and issue muzzle memos to park managers.
"With a waiver of environmental laws, bulldozers are plowing ancient cacti in national parks along the southern border in order to build a wall. Senior career park managers are likely to be replaced with unqualified political hacks."
None of this is random, and it isn't a coincidence.
Don't you see what's happening?
"If you want to drill, mine and exploit the public estate for the benefit of industry, the last thing you want is a popular and respected agency's voice raising alarms on behalf of conservation and historic preservation," continued to the same source.
The National Park Service is being systematically destroyed.
And they need your help.
Are you going to sit around while corrupt politicians open our national parks to be pillaged by big industry?
The best way we can protect the National Park Service is to make it an independent institution, just like The Smithsonian.
That way, no matter what happens in the White House or in Congress, our national parks will be under the care of professionals who care about them most, and can act independently in their bests interests.
Senator Bernie Sanders has been a long-term advocate for our national parks. Consider this from his website:
"Throughout his career Bernie Sanders has consistently worked to protect important watersheds and wildlife areas. He introduced key legislation with The Rebuild America Act of 2015 to improve stormwater and wastewater treatment and improve our national parks."
That's why we're calling on him to make this happen.
Once our national parks have been destroyed, they're gone forever. Don't you want to stop big industry from having their way with our sacred wilderness?
Then add your name to ask Senator Sanders to draft legislation that would make the National Park Service an independent institution once and for all!
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