Stop Steve's Meat Market of Torture!!!!

When you buy from Steve's Meat Market, you are supporting this:
Please watch video below!

At a slaughterhouse (Steves Meat Market in DeSoto, KS), grown men kneel on innocent young goats and sheep, putting all their weight to bear on the animals as they slash their throats and decapitate them.  The grotesque floor is covered with blood, entrails, and decapitated heads.  Animal carcasses hang throughout the building.

Many of these men have no slaughter experience and they do this in a "public" arena as well as a kind of sick entertainment/sport.

They are breaking the Humane Slaughter Act and this is also NOT Halal.

Please, protect these animals from further torture,  abuse and illegal slaughter and vow not to purchase from Steve's! Tell the business what you think of this dishonest practice.

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