Demand an End to ALL Fur Farming in Canada NOW!

For thousands of years, indigenous peoples trapped fur bearers for clothing and trade with other groups. When the first Europeans arrived in what is now Canada, many of them subsisted on fur trapping and the Fur Trade became a major economic activity, for both indigenous and non-indigenous peoples. For centuries, different species of fur bearers were trapped and killed for their fur; and sadly this practice still exists today in the form of fur farms. The only problem is it is an unnecessary, cruel, and inhumane practice that is outdated. No matter what you may think you believe, fur farming can NEVER be humane. We cannot ask animals permission to take their fur and do you really think they would give it to you? I want to see the end of fur farming in Canada. We are too far advanced as a society to continue to turn a blind eye to what's happening in our own provinces, maybe even in your own city! We no longer need to exploite our beloved Minks, Foxes, Chinchillas, Geese, Ducks, Coyates for their fur and feathers. I'm asking Justin Trudeau to end all fur farming across Canada! Other countries such as Germany, Austria, Croatia, The United Kingdom, and Czech Republic (effective 2019) have already ban fur farming! We can do better, Canada is a wonderful country that should care about all its inhabitants. If you want to find out more about how close you live to a fur farm, animal testing lab, or slaughterhouse please visit I just want to make it clear I do not run or own the above website, I am using it as a resource. Together we can stop fur farming and save thousands of lives. I want to be proud to be Canadian again, do you?

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