Demand open public discussions and complete facts about Moger Lot development in Mount Kisco

The proposed Kirby Commons/Moger Lots development will change the face, and finances, of Mount Kisco for the next 99 years. We want free and open discussions of the latest proposal--before the Village Board signs any binding agreements, or passes a zoning amendment to allow expansion of the project.

Petition to the Mount Kisco Village Board of Trustees regarding Kirby Commons Development Contract, Plan and Zoning Amendment

We, the undersigned, residents and taxpayers of the Village/Town of Mount Kisco, do hereby petition the Village Board of the Village/Town of Mount Kisco, the Mayor and Trustees, in connection with the proposed Kirby Commons Development contract, plan, and zoning amendment.

  1. With respect to the proposed Zoning Amendment, prior to voting on the proposed amendment, we ask that you provide:
  1. Stakes or markings on the pavement outlining the location of the proposed egress and access and the location of the parking lots, loading docks, dumpsters, etc; and clear indicators showing which trees and existing green spaces will be removed.
  2. A diagram showing the specific allocation of parking spaces in the two new parking structures and in the surface parking at the Barker Street end of the North Moger lot;

cThe opportunity for the public to participate in an open, interactive forum

                where we will be able to ask questions and receive specific answers to all the

                questions we have about this proposed development.

  1. With respect to execution of the Contract, please do not execute the Contract until completion of Item #1 above and due consideration of the following:

As residents and taxpayers we have a significant interest in the proposed development, which will change the complexion of Mount Kisco for more than the next century. 

We believe that we have the right to understand the financial structure of this proposal, understand where shoppers will be able to park, understand where commuters will park and how they will get to the train, and understand all the potential impacts of the project on the neighborhoods adjacent to the project and the entire Village, including but not limited to traffic concerns.

We respectfully request that our elected officials provide an opportunity for free and open discussions relative to the current plans for this development and financial transactions prior to committing Mount Kisco to any further obligations under this proposal.

Thank you.

(for more information, or to comment, please email

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