• al: H.S.
  • destinatario: Paul Polman-Unilever Corporation

I was a loyal customer of your St. Ives line of products.  I could always count on you for providing items that were a fair price and most importantly did not test on animals.  

I am very dismayed to learn that you have chosen to test your products on animals.  There are many high quality products out there that easily rival yours and DO NOT test on animals which I will happily purchase.  

I can not support a business that willingly chooses to inflict pain and suffering on live beings in the name of beauty.  

We all seek pleasure and avoid pain and suffering--humans and animals alike.  

Please make the responsible decision to end needless suffering of defenseless animals.

Thank you,


Mr. Paul Polman:

I was a loyal customer of your St. Ives line of products.  I could always count on you for providing items that were a fair price and most importantly did not test on animals.  

I am very dismayed to learn that you have chosen to test your products on animals.  There are many high quality products out there that easily rival yours and DO NOT test on animals which I will happily purchase.  

I can not support a business that willingly chooses to inflict pain and suffering on live beings in the name of beauty.  

We all seek pleasure and avoid pain and suffering--humans and animals alike.  

Please make the responsible decision to end needless suffering of defenseless animals.

Thank you,

Heather S.

Actualizar #1hace 10 años

Thank you all for signing, and for your sharing. So far, we've raised 545 signatures to pressure the UNILEVER company to stop testing their products on animals.

Please continue to share this petition far and wide on social media to gather even more support.

Together, I know we can make a difference and speak for those who don't have a say in their treatment.

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