Demand Marks and Spencer drop law breaking farm

A Dorset farm is breaking animal welfare laws while taking advantage of a premium contract that rewards higher animal welfare with M&S. This is a disgrace and we must not tolerate it. Together we must urge M&S to drop them as a supplier.

Pens designed for 8-week-old calves, housing calves that are too big and up to 6 months old. Forced into pens so small the six-month-old calves can barely move. They struggle to get in and out, often scraping their backs leaving open sores.

Calves have a strong need for social interaction and under U.K law they are allowed to be confined to pens up until they are 8 weeks old. From then on, they must be moved to group housing where they can get the social contact that they crave. On this particular farm, they can be seen desperately trying to groom each other through the metal divides.
In pain and looking for attention they are stuck in an uncomfortable world, on their own. We can, and we must do something.

Grange Dairy houses around 1,000 calves on their farm in East Chaldon Dorset, which is owned by J.F. Cobb & Sons who supply milk to M&S on a premium contract that rewards higher animal welfare. There is no higher welfare here, only abuse, and we demand that M&S drop this supplier for breach of animal welfare laws.

Sign this petition with me and let us make a difference. We cannot look away, or pretend it is not happening in the scenic countryside of Dorset. If we stand together, we can make the changes that make the world a better place.

Come on M&S, this is your reputation on the line. We urge you to implement a zero-tolerance policy when farms break animal welfare laws.

To Steve Rowe, CEO of Marks and Spencer. We often look to your stores for quality, and with that quality comes a sense that your hold yourselves to a higher standard. I often feel assured that when I buy from M&S that your social conscience, environmental responsibilities and animal welfare awareness make sure that the cost of your actions is not harmful, or at the very least minimised, and that caution is taken, at all costs to minimise the harm done to our already fragile environment. I see words and phrases like "Plan A", "free range", "grass fed", and "organic" thrown around as if it is something other than the norm, which is what it should be. I see boards bragging of small carbon footprints and environmentally friendly farming. We read of premium contracts that reward higher animal welfare for farmers that adhere to a standard that we all find acceptable and is protected by law. Yet in Dorset, lies a farm that blatantly disregards these laws, and yet still takes advantage of a premium contract to provide you with milk. I see all these wonderful words, that make us all feel as if you care and are doing your best to minimise your impact on our world, our environment and the beasts that roam it, yet we see another side. A side that forgets these words and phrases, and ignores farms that do not abide by the same ethos that you claim to vigorously uphold. Not only ignore, but reward. We are here to remind you, that M&S stands out from many others because we believe you when you say. "We aim to enhance the lives and support the local communities of the people who work for and with us. We're committed to source responsibly and we work closely with our suppliers make sure they respect human rights, promote decent working conditions and improve sustainability across our supply base." Now we ask you to show us how serious you are, how prepared are you to stand for a word that is often easier said, that it is done, and it is your reaction now that we will closely watch. It is your actions now by which we will judge just how truthful your promises of "social cohesion", "responsible farming" and so on. We will decide if they are just cliches or part of an ethos driven by a higher purpose to make the world a better place. Here is a farm in Dorset, owned by J.F. Cobb & Sons who supply milk to M&S on a premium contract, which rewards higher animal welfare. Yet Grange Dairy in East Chaldon is breaking the very law that you claim to hold so dear. I am sure you have heard of it, your auditors have been there. Your move Mr Rowe
Actualizar #1hace 7 años

Thank you for your support. The pressure is on, over 80 000 signatures have been sent to Steve Rowe. We have yet to receive any sort of response, but that will not make us stop. Send this petition to more friends and family and encourage them to sign, and send it ion again. We will continue sending our signatures, and make our voices heard until M&S takes action.

Thank you

Kind regards

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