Demand Indonesian President Revoke Punishment on Gay Men

Two men have been imprisoned and face 100 lashings with a cane. Their crime: being gay. These two young men were arrested by vigilantes who burst on them having sex and arrested them. They have been detained for 10 days already. 

They are the first people to be charged under the new anti-gay laws in Indonesia. These laws promote hate and violence towards the LGBT community. No one should face persecution based on their sexual preferences.

Any punishment is an affront to humans rights and must be stopped. By pressuring President Widodo we can send a strong message that the word is watching and will not stand idly by while people are persecuted for their sexual identity.

Please join thousands of other concerned citizens in signing today to stop homophobic punishment in Indonesia. By signing today you are sending a strong message that no one should be discriminated against based on their sexual preferences.

To President Joko Widodo, 

As someone who cares deeply for the human rights of all people I am gravely concerned about the recent imprisonment of two young gay men. Their only crime is that they love each other. 

Homosexuality should not be illegal and no one should be discriminated against based on their sexual preferences. 

I urge you to drop their charges and release them immediately. 

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