Help Stop New Zealand's Sheep Abuse

  • destinatario: Ministry for Primary Industries, New Zealand

A recent investigation into animal abuse in shearing practices across several New Zealand farms have shocked animal lovers around the world. Employees were caught on camera standing on sheep's necks, dragging them across floors, and sewing up wounds without any pain relief, revealing a grave reality of the industry that cannot be ignored.

Sign the petition to demand the Ministry for Primary Industries hold these abusers accountable and show that this will not be tolerated in New Zealand's farming industry!

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has acknowledged the severity of these breaches and is considering actions that include prosecution and disqualifying cruel workers from animal contact. However, history has shown that too often, these promises fall short, leaving animals vulnerable and suffering.

Now is the time for MPI and the government to step up. We demand an immediate and transparent timetable for these investigations and strict enforcement of our animal welfare laws. Our government must not waver in its duty to protect all living creatures from harm. Join us in calling for robust enforcement of animal abuse laws and a commitment to real change in the shearing industry. 

Sign the petition today to tell the MPI that the mistreatment of any animal is unacceptable and that we demand justice and humane treatment for all!

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