ZIMBABWE Government has a long and notorious history and reputation of not caring for their Wildlife, despite international outrage and protest. Again some young calves have been robbed from the wild, they have been captured and separated from their mothers and families for good. Such cruel seperations cause severe fear, distress and grieve for the whole family, as their bonds are very tight and for life. Their destination will be China again. At the moment there are 17 calves in the capture pens, waiting to be tamed, and you can imagine the methods. The calves suffer from trauma and injuries. Last time many of them were extremely thin and sick at arrival. They must be domesticated to obtain the permission to be shipped. CiITES doesn't allow wild elephants to be traded. How ironic it is, that in this easy way you can escape the rules. We demand an immediate stop of these cruel practices and to let the babies join their herds again. Elephants are highy sensitive, intelligent and social beings and it is utterly cruel to separate the calves from their families. STOP THE TRADE IN WILFLIFE. INVEST IN SUSTAINABLE TOURIST INDUSTRY, INSTALL LONG TERM VISIONS AND MEASURES TO PRTOTECT ALL REMAINING WILDLIFE IN THEIR OWN HABITAT.

Actualizar #1hace 7 años
To all who have already signed:
It is the same petition for the same cause: stop stealing baby elephants from the wild for export to China. However after a serious personal attack on me by Marleen Le Febre of WAR Wildlife at Risk, for using her text in the original petition, although the text credit was given to WAR, but without asking permission, I decided to change the whole text written by myself and with another picture as well. "Hands together for Wildlife" is not always easy apparently.
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