Stop the massacre of Tuareg civilians in Libya

Since the Fall of Tripoli, many extra judiciaries executions are being made against the Tuareg population in Libya. They are accused of supporting the Kadhafi regime and being some of his mercenaries while only a limited part of the Tuareg took part in the conflict. Hundreds of Tuareg families have left the Libyan cities of Ghadames and Dereg to go to Algeria before the border of that country closes. In some other cases, this is used as an excuse to force the Tuareg population to leave their lands in Libya. The people of Oubary and Ghat (cities mainly inhabited by Tuareg people) are reporting that they have neither food, nor drinking water, nor electricity. An important massacre is being prepared without the NATO, the United Nations, news media, and others humanitarian organizations present in Libya express their condemnation.

As head of the United Nations Assembly, we solemnly demand Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to make sure all the United Nations rules among which is the Geneva International Convention for civilians protection in conflicts zones are respected by all the belligerents in the Libyan conflict. 
An important massacre is being prepared while NATO has a certain control over country, granted by the U.N. resolution 1973 for the protection of civilians in Libya. We solemnly ask Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Secretary General of the NATO to make sure these initial wishes are respected until the end of the conflicts by all the belligerents. 
As Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union, we solemnly demand Jean Ping to make sure that all civilians in general and Africans in particular are protected in the Libyan conflict.
We solemnly ask Abdel Aziz Bouteflika, president of Algeria, to reopen the country border with Libya to enable to enable Tuareg civilians to leave the conflict zones. We ask Amadou Toumani Toure, President of Mali and Mahamadou Issoufou, president of Niger to cooperate with Algeria in welcoming some of the displaced refugees in Algeria.
A translation of the petition in French is available at
We, undersigned, ask for the end of the massacres of civilians in general, and Tuareg in particular in the Libyan conflicts. We ask all the cited authorities to use all their powers in making sure innocent civilians stop being targeted in the Libyan conflicts.
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