Signing this petition means you are a human being with a heart full of love for the living things in this world. If you are sometimes so overwhelmed by the beauty of a tree that you actually hug it, then please sign this petition and let the world know that you care.
We, the Undersigned, care about the quality of life on this planet for own species as well as all others.  We are sensitive to the beauty of nature. Sometimes, especially in older forests, we are so moved by the majesty of the trees that we will actually hug a tree. Today, we pledge that we will hug a tree as a symbol of our commitment to heal this planet. The next step is to plant as many trees as we can with our Care2 credits. A single tree, on average, absorbs thirteen pounds of carbon dioxide per year of life. This is one of the best ways that we can fight climate change. Hug a tree. Plant a tree. We can save this world, even from ourselves.
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