Tell Berlin to Scrap Boar Hunting Plan

Outside of Berlin's city limits, in a deeply forested area, lives a population of roughly 10,000 wild boars. Recently, the animals, which are up to twice the size of a dog, have begun to wander into the city.

City Hall's Commissioner of Wildlife, Derk Ehlert, claims that at this point, hunting is the only way to control the population. However, a majority of Berliners are deeply against the hunting plan.

Hunting is an inhumane and completely unnecessary means to an end. It is a shallow approach to a much larger problem and authorities should be dealing with the root cause rather than addressing the symptoms.

Tell Derk Ehrlert that we need to deal with this issue humanely and work with the local Animal Protection Society to formulate a long-term strategy for dealing with the boars.
We the undersigned are writing to ask you to forgo the city's current wild boar hunting tactics and work to create a more humane method of addressing this conflict with local wildlife.

Hunting is NOT the only solution to this problem. This is an inhumane and completely unnecessary means to an end. Furthermore, it is a band-aid approach to a much larger problem and we should be dealing with the root cause rather than addressing the symptoms.

Please reconsider the current hunting plan and work with the local Animal Protection Society to formulate a practical and pragmatic long-term strategy here. Contraceptive pills are a logical and humane step to take.
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