Puerto Rico's Murder Epidemic Against LGBTs Must End!

Over the past few weeks, the world has been shocked by the spate of violent crimes perpetrated against the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans community of Puerto Rico. Eighteen murders have been recorded in the past year and a half, and three in just the past week.

The most recent victims include: Ram髇 Salgado who was found dead along the side of a highway in Humacao; Karlota G髆ez S醤chez, a transgender woman, who was shot to death in Santurce; and Alejandro Torres who was stabbed to death in Ponce.
Murders based on a person's sexuality or gender identity are intended to send a message of fear and hatred to the entire community. An administration that is silent regarding such crimes allows that fear and hatred to continue.

We the undersigned call on Attorney General Guillermo Somoza-Colombani to ensure that this wave of violence does not go unchecked and that each incident is properly investigated, not only for hate crimes charges but also for how law enforcement agencies and the legislative branch can better communicate and enforce that violent crimes against the LGBT community will not be tolerated.
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