Legalize Ferrets in Puerto Rico

  • al: Kljbaker
  • destinatario: Puerto Rican Citizens & Ferret Lovers
I recently planned on moving to Puerto Rico with my family which includes my husband, our three boys, our dog, and our two ferrets.  I have recently found out ferrets are banned in Puerto Rico!!  Ferrets are lovable, full of life, curious, and intelligent animals. The arguement for what I researched why they are banned is because they have a potential of transmitting rabies.  Any animal not vaccinated has a potential of transmitting rabies.  Ferrets just like dogs and cats CAN and should receive rabies vaccinations. Also ferrets are sold already spayed, neutered or chemically sterilized so they would not present a ferret overpopulation problem. Puerto Rico has started a massive tourism program and as a result many people from the mainland US are considering moving to Puerto Rico but not being able to bring every member of their family presents a porblem.  I strongly encourage the politcians of Puerto Rico to lift the ban on ferrets. Thank You.
We the undersigned,Are asking you to help get ferrets legalized in Pierto Rico. Please encourage your politicians to lift the ban of owning ferrets in Puerto Rico.  The ban was in place to prevent the transmission of rabies but ferrets can be vaccinated against rabies just like dogs and cats.  Ferrets are also sold spayed, neutered, or chemically sterilized so they can not reproduce.  This keeps ferrets from becoming overpopulated.  Ferrets are fun, lovable, friendly pets that are wonderful additions to families.  Please please encourage legislators to lift this ban. Thank you in advance for taking your time to read this letter.
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