Boycott Pork for Dogs in Puppy Mills

  • al: Nick K.
  • destinatario: North Carolina Pork Council
A bill designed to regulate commercial dog breeding and prevent some of the worst abuses in puppy mills was prevented from passing, in part, by the North Carolina Pork Council (a $2.2 billion dollar industry in the state).

Why would the pork industry oppose the regulation of commercial dog breeding? Because they believed that animal welfare and animal rights activists have a hidden agenda: to take down the meat industry.

Please boycott pork until a bill is passed which will regulate puppy mills and prevent some of the worst cruelties within the industry. Let's let them know their input is not needed in issues that doesn't involve them.

For more information on puppy mills click here.
We the undersigned have vowed to abstain from pork and pork products in response to the North Carolina Pork Council's involvement in the prevention of the passing of Senate Bill 460.

We believe that regulation and prevention of abuse in commercial dog breeding is a positive step and one that does not concern the pork industry, nor does it require it's input.

Thank you for taking time to read this letter.
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