Our children deserve more than a virtual graduation, they have worked so hard for 12 years to make it to this moment. Receiving an email of a virtual graduation started to ruin the hopes of students, children are asking "What is the point?" If the graduation ceremony can not be postponed then we should have a drive up graduation. Students would stay in their vehicles with their own family driving down the parking lot of Clifton High School. Many other schools have already done this having teachers spread more than 6 feet apart in the parking lot with posters saying goodbye to their students. To control traffic because there are many students, times could be given by last name. Example: Students with the last name A-C come at 8:30. If this still isn't a solution then simply postpone until the state and schools finally open up again. Give the same efforts that all these students have given and remember the type of milestone graduation was for you. CHS has been advised that a petition is being created, students and families should also have a vote! Your plan for a virtual graduation IS NOT ENOUGH!

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