The first motor rally in the UK has been planned for the Clacton district of Tendring, North Essex in April, peak nesting, lambing, calving, foaling time. Research has found that animals suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder like we do. Domestic pets will be affected by the noise far worse than during fireworks season. Vets will not be able to reach injured horses because of road closures, nor will they be able to easily reach any animal requiring them. Wildlife will leave the area and their numbers may be affected for a generation. Those nesting near the route will abandon their young and they will die a slow death. Bats along the route in the many barn conversions will also suffer. Bees may also be affected. If this event gets the go ahead, your borough council could follow suit and organise similar events all over the UK. Sign this to help them see sense. See our YouTube films to learn about the animals will suffer.
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