C&C of Honolulu Mayor: Stop all commercial uses at Kailua Beach Park not considered by 1996 EA

  • destinatario: C&C of Honolulu Mayor (+ 11 others)



Congratulations Kailua! Also, thank you to our friends all over the world that helped us pass Bill 11 CD1 today. I'm so proud of everyone for keeping the faith and believing that a total ban on commercial activity at Kailua and Kalama beach parks was possible.

It all started from a collective desire in March of this year and resulted in Bill 11 CD1 that survived two readings in the Parks Committee and two readings before the full Council without any changes. Moving Bill 11 CD1 forward was no easy effort requiring sleepless nights, thousands of phone calls and e-mails, petitions, constantly rethinking legal and legislative strategy, and community organizing and much more. However, the beauty of our hard work and perseverance has demonstrated to the world that a small community like Kailua can control and design the makeup of their home if they remain united, focused, and committed to see their vision become a reality.

However, our job is not done. We still need to get the Mayor to sign Bill 11 CD1 into law. If the mayor decides to veto this bill, then we need two-thirds of the councilmembers to override his veto. Currently, we have those numbers, but, overtime minds can change. Therefore, we should not get complacent and persevere like we have been doing since that first day in March 2012 until Bill 11 CD1 becomes law!



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