Ending the Stigma on Mental Health!

  • al: Monica D
  • destinatario: National Alliance on Mental Illness

Blessed Be, Hello, Welcome, Greetings


I created a mental health blog years ago, an Instagram and Facebook account to spread the word on mental health conditions all over the world, provide support and resources. B Aware Mentally started collaborating with other advocates to help end the stigma and discrimination surrounding mental illness. Through education on what mental illness is, we learn how one can help a loved one that is suffering, encouragement on signing pledges & petitions, open chats, resources and more to assist the mental health community to feel good about themselves.

We thank you from the Mental Health Community 馃檹馃徏 馃挌

Mo ~ Founder/Creator of...

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bawarementally 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bawarementally 

Blog is "Under Construction" 馃毀 

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