Demand an End to the Ineffective, Cruel Mass Slaughter of Badgers in the UK!

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: UK Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs
For years, badgers in the United Kingdom have been targeted in mass culls, rounded up and slaughtered by the thousands. Why? Because badgers can be carriers of bovine tuberculosis (bTB), which affects cattle across the UK. What's extremely troubling, though, is that there is a complete lack of evidence that these mass culls are effective in fighting bTB -- meaning the killing and suffering are basically all for nothing!

But new research is showing a more humane and effective solution to combat bovine TB. A recent study in Cornwall has demonstrated that vaccinating badgers against tBT is not only feasible but far more successful than killing them. Over the four years of the stufy, vaccinated badgers showed a dramatic drop in bovine TB cases, with the percentage falling to zero.

Sign the petition to demand that the UK government adopt badger vaccination programs nationwide!

Mass culling has devastated badger populations with no proven benefit in reducing the disease. More than 210,000 badgers have been killed since 2013, yet there's no conclusive evidence that this has lowered TB in cattle. In contrast, the Cornwall study shows that vaccination can effectively control the disease without harming badgers.

Badgers, like all wildlife, have every right to live and thrive. They are integral to the ecosystem and deserve to be protected, not eradicated. This promising new research proves that we can coexist with badgers and safeguard cattle through vaccination rather than culling.

We must act now to save these remarkable creatures and embrace solutions that actually work.

Sign the petition to urge the UK government to halt badger culling and invest in vaccination programs. Let's protect badgers and promote humane, science-backed methods to address bovine TB!
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