Justice for the Dog Brutally Beat to Death by a Pet Daycare Employee

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Licking County Sheriff's Office

The shocking incident at a pet daycare and grooming center in Newark, where a defenseless dog tragically died due to brutal abuse by a staff member, has left the community horrified and heartbroken. This was an unstable individual who should not have been employed in a role handling vulnerable animals.

Sign the petition to demand the Licking County Sheriff's Office give the person who killed the dog mandatory psychological counseling in addition to her other charges.

While the person has been held accountable, she was clearly suffering. We must ensure animals are safe from her for the rest of her life, and that she receives care to address the mental distress that led up to the tragedy.

Let's ensure that this incident truly never happens again. 

Sign the petition to demand the Licking County Sheriff's Office  ensure this person never hurts another animal again.

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