Wealthy Arabs Given License to Kill the Houbara Bustard

  • al: Deb Hirt
  • destinatario: The Government of Pakistan

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hstB9RlHd6MThe United States and other civilized countries federally protect wild birds so they don't become endangered, which should be worldwide. Since birds respond with appropriate climate, they sometimes make poor decisions and go to countries where money talks, like Pakistan, a third world country.

People from Arabian countries have a pre-conceived notion that bustard meat is a wild aphrodisiac that does wonders for the sex drive, an unwarranted notion.

Since the Pakistani government feels that money talks, they have been issuing permits to rich Arabs to hunt wild birds on their lands. Please don't let this beautiful bird become a thing of the past. Let's take action to prove that animals are not for sale, and they must be protected so they may thrive and bring joy to the larger part of the populace. Support me, and the birds will thank you in their small way.

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