Save ALL the Shelter/Rescue/Pound Dogs, Cats and Other Animals of America! Make America A No-Kill Nation!

Each year, around 920,000 animals are killed in shelters. Of these, 390,000 are dogs and 530,000 are cats.
A lot of the time it isn't really the shelters' fault that they have to kill these animals. They simply don't have enough space/money to accommodate all the animals they take in. Unlike some no-kill shelters, some kill shelters don't ever turn down animals. There simply aren't enough people willing to adopt these animals. Not everyone wants an animal. Of those that do, unfortunately, many would rather buy one from a breeder or pet shop instead of giving one of the equally-deserving shelter/rescue/pound animals a much-needed loving home. To be fair, some people are unsuited to adopt a rescued animal, due to their circumstances/needs for the animal to fulfil. Some of them are just not able to find a suitable animal in a rescue/shelter/pound, or they are unsuited to adopt from a rescue/shelter/pound.
Here are some solutions that could make America a no-kill nation:
* Give sufficient government funding to animal shelters, rescues and pounds.
* Legally require all shelters, rescues and pounds to adopt a strict no-kill policy.
* Introduce a breeding license and require all dog/cat carers who aren't licensed breeders to spay/neuter their animals, unless the animal is either too young or there is a proven medical reason not to spay/neuter them.
* Legally require all carers of other animal (who aren't licensed breeders), such as rabbits, Guinea pigs, ferrets, rats, horses, ponies, goats and other eligible species to spay/neuter their animals unless the animal/s are either too young or there is a medical reason not to.
* Require all pet shops and grocery stores to have donation points for shelters, rescues and pounds, where shoppers can donate animal food, bowls, toys, beds, treats and grooming equipment, as well as money, to help the animals and help the shelters, rescues and pounds afford to stay in existence and keep to a strict no-kill policy.
* A government campaign to promote the adoption of animals from rescue centres, shelters and pounds.

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