Support Universal Background Checks

The fight for universal background checks is the most important fight for gun violence prevention yet.

On January 8th, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Mike Thompson introduced H.R. 8, the Bipartisan Background Check Bill, alongside March For Our Lives friend and shooting survivor, former Rep. Gabby Giffords.  H.R. 8 would expand our background check system to close the loopholes that allow for 1 in 5 gun sales to currently not require a background check.

97% of Americans want background checks. Americans approve of background checks more than they do of puppies and apple pie.

Let's take a stand to end America's gun violence epidemic. We have proven that youth voices can make a difference, and now is the time that they need to hear our message. This bill is an opportunity to save lives.

It's time to put people over profits. Sign this petition to let Congress know we want H.R. 8 passed, and we are holding them accountable.
Actualizar #1hace 5 años
The House of Representatives is planning to vote on HR 8 on Wed, Feb 27th! Urge your friends to sign the petition to urge their representative to say 'yes' to universal background checks.
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