Urge the City of Henderson (NV) to Ban Pet Shops from Selling Animals

  • al: Mike Korn
  • destinatario: City of Henderson Mayor Andy A. Hafen; Councilwoman Gerri Schroder; Councilwoman Debra March; Councilman John F. Marz; Councilman Sam Bateman, Nevada

The American Society for the Prevention of Animal Cruelty classifies puppy mills as 'large-scale commercial' facilities where profit trumps the animals' well-being. It says the females are bred as often as possible without regard for their health, and the animals often live in overcrowded and unsanitary cages.

Recently, people on social media were outraged about the health of a puppy they found in a Henderson pet store. 13 Action News went to the pet store to see for themselves, and took cell phone video from inside the store. The puppy looks to be skin and bones, with his ribs protruding from his chest.

The city of Las Vegas recently voted to ban the retail sale of non-rescue dogs and cats on January 6, which means pet stores will soon only be allowed to sell dogs from rescue organizations or shelters.

Thankfully, the City of Henderson has taken a hard stance against the retail of animals in pet shops. Urge them to go one step further!

We, the undersigned, respectfully request that you carefully review and elect to move forward in banning the retail of animals in City of Henderson (NV) pet stores. In following the recent ordinance passed by the City of Las Vegas, language should be considered stating pet shops - if they choose to offer pets for retail - MUST be required to "display, sell, deliver, offer for sale, barter, auction, give away, broker or otherwise transfer or dispose of animals (ONLY OBTAINED) from a shelter, rescue or nonprofit humane society (LOCATED WITHIN HENDERSON, NV and/or CLARK COUNTY, NV)."

We believe moving forward with this measure will tremendously release the strain currently experienced by both local government and non-profit animal shelters, as well as greatly decrease the number of homeless animals in our community. 

We thank you for your time and consideration of this matter!


City of Henderson Voters Concerned for the Welfare of Animals

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