Take One Giant Step Closer To Saving Green Space In Rochester Hills TODAY

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A Petition For Rochester Hills Residents

Sign and share this community petition to help curb overdevelopment and get additional funding for more Green Space on the November 2023 ballot. Let Rochester Hills residents decide how much Green Space they want saved in their community.

Want more Green Space permanently protected? Then you are like most Rochester Hills residents who consistently rate Green Space as one of their top community priorities and one of the main reasons they moved to Rochester Hills and stay here.

Join us in helping to save more of the Green Spaces we all love. Please Sign & Share the petition today and permanently protect our rolling hills, mature treescapes and natural beauty for our children and grandchildren for years to come!

Together, We Can Protect our Green Spaces- The Soul of Rochester Hills!

Our petition asks that:

1. The Rochester Hills City Council votes to put a millage for Green Space on the November 2023 ballot for the purpose of preserving our remaining Green Spaces.

2. That the amount of the millage be $20M over 10 years to effectively acquire and permanently preserve remaining green spaces in the Rochester Hills community.

3. That the monies be used for land acquisition and preservation only. Money will be in addition to the remaining funds from the 2005 green space mileage currently held in trust and largely used for green space stewardship and land management .

4. That the city use the successful 2005 Green Space ballot language for the November 2023 ballot which was appropriately and legally binding in assuring that the millage monies would be used to permanently preserve green spaces as intended.

5. That the city employ best practices with Green Space monies in fairness to property owners and the city, and to encourage green space property nominations and acquisitions, including:

  • Prioritizing and actively pursuing green space property acquisitions
  • Paying competitive and fair market value when necessary
  • Having a fair, reasonable and timely nomination, negotiation and purchase process

6. That the green space monies be used in active combination with available grants and protective natural features and other existing ordinances for the purpose of preserving as much remaining green spaces as possible and getting the most from our green space monies.

7. And that the city actively work with conservation organizations, including the Six Rivers Land Conservancy, to achieve these purposes.

Thank you for your help in preserving our Rochester Hills green spaces!

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