This is the figure issued by the Australian Government & KIAA (2009) for the quota of Kangaroos to be slaughtered!  5000 Kangaroos at Majura have been slaughtered (May 2009) but the rest have been saved for the time being by a landmark court injunction!

It is done in the name of ecology but in real terms in the name of capitalism. The main user for the hides of these animals is the sports footwear trade as this kind of hide lends itself better to the making of footwear. The saddest part of this is that not all the animals are killed humanely and even the young (joey figures are never calculated in the figures) are in most cases ripped from the dead mothers pouch and clubed to death.

Whilst in 2002 the figures were set at 6,942,687 which has almost halved in the last six years, makes you wonder why? If there are such large numbers of kangas as is suggested by estimated figures and that this animal is of such great value dollar wise, why have numbers for slaughter dropped so much?
Could it be that populations have dropped so dramatically and this  "natural" resouce is infact declining and not as would be believed         on the increase?

The kangaroo industry is currently worth approx. $230M/year to         the Australian economy. Creates about 4000 full time jobs and the       meat and skins are exported to over 60 countries around the world. (Information from the Kangaroo Industry Strategic Plan             2005-2010).

You tell me if it will stop?

Australians almost wiped the Koala out in 1930 but they are now protected. Kangaroo's need protecting also before it's too late and they become extinct!


Thank you.
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