We are concerned about Saad Nabeel, an 18 year old resident of Dallas, TX. In every way he is an American, he has lived here for 15 years, gotten a high school education here, and has received a FULL scholarship to the University of Texas at Arlington for Electrical Engineering. The only issue is, he not considered to be an American by immigration. Born in Bangladesh, Saad, 3 years old at this time and his parents fled to the America because of his father%u2019s political involvement and sought political asylum within the United States. They have fought very hard to obtain a green card to stay here legally in the United States, but overstayed in fear of the threats from the Bangladeshi government. He was forced to sign an agreement under threat of criminal charges that he would not re-enter the United States for 10 years. HOWEVER A GREEN CARD has been approved under his father's name, and the only thing keeping him from coming back to his rightful home, and to finish his education is this 10 year ban.

Dear Representative,

We the undersigned are concerned about Saad Nabeel, an 18 year old resident of Dallas, TX. In every way he is an American, he has lived here for 15 years, gotten a high school education here, and has received a FULL scholarship to the University of Texas at Arlington for Electrical Engineering. The only issue is, he not considered to be an American by immigration. Born in Bangladesh, Saad, 3 years old at this time and his parents fled to America because of his fathers political involvement in Bangladesh, and sought political asylum within the United States. They have fought very hard to obtain a green card to stay here legally in the United States, but overstayed in fear of the threats from the Bangladeshi government. He was forced to sign an agreement under threat of criminal charges that he would not re-enter the United States for 10 years. HOWEVER A GREEN CARD has been approved under his father's name, and the only thing keeping him from coming back to his rightful home, and to finish his education is this 10 year ban.

We ask you to present this petition to the United States Congress, and to aide us in our quest to release the ban on Saad Nabeel re-entering the country.

 We thank you very much for taking the time to review our petition. 

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