Stop the Yulin Dog Masscare 2015 - Petition stating Chinese Products Will be Boycotted

Tens of Thousands of people Worldwide signed Petitions in an attempt to STOP the 2014 Dog Slaughter of Yulin to little avail it still went ahead, much to the outrage of us all.  However the people of Yulin involved in the slaughter, cooking and eating of these terrified animals were aware that the world was taking notice and Protests were gaining momentum.

If we ACT early enough and let them know the world will NOT tolerate the massacre of thousands of dogs, and the purchase of goods are being boycotted across China, perhaps hitting where it hurts, i.e. financially, it will have more impact.

None of us can tolerate this happening year after year, this year was heartbreaking, let us join together and do all we can to STOP THE MASSACRE IN 2015 - I am hoping for maximum impact - PLEASE HELP ME TO HELP THE INNOCENTS.

Sign current Yulin Dog Petition here.

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