Make Type 1 Diabetes Screening a Standard Part of Kids' Well-Checkups

    According to the American Diabetes Association, over 200,000 children and adolescents have diabetes in the U.S., and many go undiagnosed until symptoms become severe. Regular well-checkups present an ideal opportunity to screen for early signs, such as elevated blood sugar, allowing for timely treatment. Type 1 diabetes can develop suddenly in children, often without warning. This autoimmune condition leads to the body’s inability to produce insulin, causing high blood sugar levels that can result in serious complications. Many children with Type 1 diabetes aren't diagnosed until they experience a life-threatening condition like diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). We believe early detection through routine screening during pediatric well-checkups is vital to protect children’s health and save lives.

    We are calling on healthcare providers and policymakers to mandate Type 1 diabetes screening a standard part of children's well-checkups to ensure early detection and treatment. Early detection could mean the difference between managing the disease and facing life-threatening emergencies.
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