Despite the efforts of volunteers, rescue groups, and concerned taxpayers of the County, Mobile County Animal Shelter remains an extremely high-kill shelter with the leadership of the shelter uninterested or uncaring about the well-being of the animals.
While the conditions at the shelter are not the worst we have seen, there remains the attitude of "animal control and euthanization" instead of "animal rescue". Dogs are often breed-misidentified; there is no medical care available for sick or injured animals; and no certified/licensed animal behavior specialist to assess them.
Many adoptable animals are euthanized, including mothers and their litter of pups or kittens, because they are considered unadoptable. Pregnant females are spayed regardless of how far along they are in the pregnancy, even if a rescue willing to take in the whole family has expressed interest.
Animals are euthanized even if the shelter has been notified that someone is on their way to get that animal.
The kitten in the petition's photo (named Porkchop) was euthanized on the spot, based on the shelter's own accusation that he was feral and aggressive. It is documented by the owner's neighbor that Porkchop displayed no behavior issues. Employees also lied that he was caught in a trap and carried to the shelter in the trap. The owner's neighbor has denied this and there is video footage to disprove this. Papers from the shelter show that Porkchop was admitted to the shelter at 4:08 PM and euthanasia took place at 4:09.
He got out of his home at noon on January 10th, and was put down 4 hours and 9 minutes later. Porkchop was a loving friend and he will be forever missed.
The County Administrator was approached by concerned citizens several months ago and given a proposal for an Advisory Committee for the shelter. We are asking the County Commissioners to adopt the proposal for a Shelter Advisory Committee.
The Proposed Advisory Committee outlined below:
Establish a County Animal Shelter Advisory Board consisting of:
a County representative,
a licensed Veterinarian;
an animal shelter representative (not the supervisor/director);
a business/management/financial specialist
and three county residents.
The Advisory Board is charged with:
1. Developing shelter policy and procedures and advising in various areas of expertise.
2. Promoting awareness and a positive relationship between the shelter and members of the public.
3. Developing and implementing a plan to decrease euthanization, with the goal of moving towards a "no-kill" facility, with emphasis on establishing a volunteer base, increasing adoptions, establishing medical and behavioral programs, and increasing proactive redemption of lost animals.
The initial term of the Advisory Board will be a full 3 year term for each member with staggered 2 year terms thereafter.
Advisory Board meetings will be open to the public and designed to include input from the public, along with discussion of agenda items. Meetings will be held monthly for the initial year with frequency of meetings thereafter to be determined by the members of the board.
Please sign our petition and CALL or EMAIL the County Commissioners and other contacts. Join with us to work towards a more animal-friendly Mobile County!
District 1 - Merceria L. Ludgood - President
(251) 574-1000
District 2 - Connie Hudson
(251) 574-2000
District 3 - Jerry Carl
(251) 574-3000
John Pafenbach County Administrator
(251) 574-8606 or 8604
Glenn L. Hodge - Deputy Administrator
(251) 574-8605 or 5992
Donna Jones - Director of General Services
(251) 574-5066
We the undersigned are asking the County Commissioners to adopt the proposal for a Shelter Advisory Committee.
The Proposed Advisory Committee outlined below:
Establish a County Animal Shelter Advisory Board consisting of:
- a County representative
- a licensed Veterinarian
- an animal shelter representative (not the supervisor/director)
- a business/management/financial specialist
- three county residents
The Advisory Board is charged with:
1. Developing shelter policy and procedures and advising in various areas of expertise.
2. Promoting awareness and a positive relationship between the shelter and members of the public.
3. Developing and implementing a plan to decrease euthanization, with the goal of moving towards a "no-kill" facility, with emphasis on establishing a volunteer base, increasing adoptions, establishing medical and behavioral programs, and increasing proactive redemption of lost animals.
The initial term of the Advisory Board will be a full 3 year term for each member with staggered 2 year terms thereafter.
Advisory Board meetings will be open to the public and designed to include input from the public, along with discussion of agenda items. Meetings will be held monthly for the initial year with frequency of meetings thereafter to be determined by the members of the board.
Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. An advisory panel will benefit not only the animals in the care of the shelter but also the taxpayers of Mobile county.
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