Reduce the use of puppy mills
Often pet stores get the animals from puppy/cat/rabbit mills. Stopping the sale of these animals from pet stores would help reduce this. In addition, pets purchased from pet stores often end up in shelters as these purchases were done on impulse and not from doing any research. Owning a pet is a responsibility that is for the entire life of that animal. There are many wonderful pets at local shelters and animal rescue groups. If it is a pure bred that one wants, there are plenty of responsible dog breeders. You can help by lobbing your local city or town council. Start a local petition to educate others and present this petition to your city/town council. Other cities have done this such as Toronto and Kingston Ontario. Spread the word. Pet stores can offer pet adoptions. This brings buyers to their store and after a pet is adopted they will need to purchase pet supplies from the store. A win, win situation. Pledge to start a petition in your town or city to stop the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits from your local pet stores.
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