Impeach the Abortion Pill Judge

Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, a Trump appointee, went way out of bounds when he ignored decades of scientific evidence and ordered the FDA to reverse its approval of the abortion pill mifepristone. This was not his job -- not even close -- and is reason enough for him to be impeached and removed.  But there's more:

  • When being considered for confirmation, he improperly had his name removed from a controversial article in order to hide it from Senators.
  • He also hid the details of a multimillion dollar investment in an unknown company.
  • And there's a whole lot of other reasons why he needs to be removed now.

Kacsmaryk should have never gotten this job in the first place, and given what we know now, he sure as hell shouldn't keep it.

Sign the petition, and tell Congress to impeach and remove Kacsmaryk ASAP.

Actualizar #1hace 1 años
Here's a new action you can take on another Trump front: Tell the NY judge to hold Trump in contempt, and punish him:
firma la petición
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