Support for Wildlife Rehab Center, San Juan County, New Mexico

  • al: Carol Sanchez
  • destinatario: Farmington, NM, Kirtland, NM, Bloomfield,NM Aztec, NM, Northwest NM area., New Mexico

I am currently trying to obtain signatures to show community support for establishing a Non-Profit Wildlife Rehabilitation Center on the Acreage known as Jackson Wildlife Refuge.
We are extremely interested in presenting the idea for a partnership with NMGF to allow trained personnel/ volunteers to rehabilitate native wildlife. Our goal will be to save and educate, offering tours and community outreach.

The ideal setting would be to have out buildings and a very private area where we would house injured animals in need of care.  They would be handled and rehabbed in a way as to not affect the wildness that is their livelihood.  Upon completed healing they would be released into the wild in an area appropriate to their species.  Only animals that are non-releasable would be housed permanently in a very controlled enviorment and the public would be able to tour and learn from these conditions.  It isnt anything like a zoo, and we would always put the animals comfort and saftey first.

We would also like to create an area where people could learn about native plants.

This would also help create a natural enviroment for our native songbirds to reside in a very natural way.

***The purpose of this petition is to show NMGF that our community would be in favor and support the idea of having a Rehab Center in the area that would include a visitor center and allow educational opportunities for our community.

Actualizar #2hace 6 años
We still need signatures from our local Farmington, NM residents! Having a rehab Facility here local would ensure that any wildlife, (everything from Hummingbirds and song birds to eagles, owls and hawk, and everything in between) would have the opportunity to receive care if they are found orphaned or injured. Once they are healed they would be released back where they were found, or in an appropriate location for their species.
Many in our area do not survive as we have no local help.
Actualizar #1hace 6 años
This petition is for the NW corner of NM and while I appreciate all the signatures from other parts of the world, they actually do not help. I am looking for local support so the NMGF can see that people from this specific area are interested in having a wildlife center in the area.
Thank you for your support!
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