Facebook, please, give us an option to report hunting pages for animal abuse

Facebook is a site available to 13-however year olds, and those who lie about their age. And facebook has done a relatively good job with protecting the minors from images, be it sexually explicit or graphically violent, except when it comes to wild animals. Pages such as Wolf hunting, trapping and snaring, on facebook show many gruesome, hateful images that many parents do not want their children to see, so, I believe that if you care about animal welfare, you should sign this petition, thank you for taking the time to read this- Zach

Hello, this petition went faster than expected, and I believe it shows what the public wishes, we all think that Facebook should require an option for reporting pages for animal abuse, be it hunting or otherwise, so please, add this as fast as possible. we 1019 voices will not be silenced, I sincerely hope that you make the right decision and make sure to the masses that facebook does in fact care about animal cruelty.

Actualizar #4hace 10 años
Well, its sent, we should just wait a while, thank you all for signing, I hope we still gather more signatures in the future
Actualizar #3hace 10 años
Hey guys, great news, I'm sending the petition to mr Zuckerberg first thing tomorrow, hopefully we'll get the desired effect, or at least a response
Actualizar #2hace 10 años
Oh my gosh, thank you guys so much, I never would have guessed that this petition would get this many signatures already! And on my first petition as well, just made my day...
Anyway, I'm working on a plan to support this petition, so please, just sit tight, and lets hope that this petition means the end of these cruel pages

Edit: sadly we'll have to wait until Later in the week for it to be posted to facebook HQ
Actualizar #1hace 10 años
Hey guys, just wanted you all to know, thanks for signing, it really means a lot, I'll try to message you when updates occur, so please, make sure you share this petition with your friends
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