The state of California is one of the known states to have ongoing active fighting to have laws and pass them towards certain breeds of animals to either outlaw them or make it harder to own them. Being a citizen of this state its a start to start passing stronger animal abuse laws. Too much goes on in this state with animal abuse and there isn't strong enough laws to help regulate animal abuse. Signing this petition will help enact a possible change to pass stronger laws towards animals abuse in this state. This state is just the beginning but its a start.
Laws are hard to pass in California. So is passing laws dealing to help deal with animal abuse. After a recent event in a small town I live in , the event caused a change. A change that for places that profit business and want to help animals ; if these places are to put animals in danger and near death. This needs to be changed. Laws to help protect animals who taken into business that profit off of them. Mistreament of animals in these forms of businesses; there should be strict consequences to those who profit off these poor creatures.
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