ARTHUR is DYING! Please help to close the Mendoza Zoo!

  • al: Angel McKellar
  • destinatario: Government of the province of Mendoza and the Mendoza Zoo

Poor Arthur is dying.  He is a polar bear kept in a zoo that exceeds over 40 degrees everyday and he is now sunburnt and cannot escape the heat. Your signature is so important, not just for Arthur but for any animal in captivity that is there just for a profit!


It is important to educate new generations that the false idea that a Zoo is educational is wrong. Is it educational if it is a place where the animals are behind bars? Where a polar bear must tolerate temperatures exceeding 40 degrees? We must begin to educate for the future... that new generations learn and apprehend the respect not only of their human counterparts, but the respect for the environment and nature... we need to build a better future understanding that animals have a right to freedom, right to health, to a life worthy... rights that are clearly violated in the circumstances in which they live not only in this zoo, but in all them. This is why we call on the authorities to close the Mendoza Zoo. That is why I leave a post showing the atrocities committed there... and also I hope we as humans learn from our mistakes. Society has condemned many animals to a barbaric death... let us not condemn the bear Arthur to the same demise.  We CAN make a change... let us unite our voices and they will listen to us.


Government of the province of Mendoza, Mr. Gdor. of the province of Mendoza Dr. Francisco Pérez

Honorable Chamber of deputies of the province of Mendoza, my Diputados

Carlos Germán Ciurca, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Honorable Chamber Senators of Mendoza

I turn to you for the purpose of petition you the immediate release of the only surviving polar bear in the country, Arthur, as also the closure of the Zoo and the relocation of their animals in institutions for their rehabilitation and subsequent release.

As signer of this petition believe that it is important to educate new generations leaving to create the false idea that a Zoo is educational. Do educational is a place where the animals are behind bars? where must a polar bear tolerate temperatures exceeding 40 degrees? We must begin to educate for a better future... that new generations learn and apprehend the respect not only their human counterparts, but the respect for the environment, nature... need build this better future understanding that animals like us have a right to freedom, right to health, to a life of dignity, rights that are flagrantly violated in the circumstances in which they live at the Zoo in its province. As society have condemned to bear Winner to death... we going to condemn the Arthur bear to the same destination? In us is change, that is why we asked them to listen to us and from duties raise the necessary means to make this change possible.


[Your name]
Actualizar #3hace 11 años

Watch this if you dare, but I must warn you this is very hard to watch! This will show you why this petition is SO important! Please help me, we are so close to reaching our goal of 10,000 signatures! Won't you share and help get Arthur out of this awful place! Thank you!
Actualizar #2hace 11 años
Dear friends of Arthur! We are so close to getting our 10,000 signatures for Arthur! I am so proud of everyone and grateful too whomever has been helping me! Let's help me make a final push to get the rest of these signatures so that we can get Arthur out of there NOW! Please share everywhere you can so that we can DO THIS!
Actualizar #1hace 11 años
Dear Friends of Arthur, We have received over 5,000 signatures as of today! I am so proud and grateful to everyone who is standing up for this magnificent animal that is being treated so terribly! In an effort to help even more I have raised the petition signatures to 10,000 to have more of an impact! I believe that with your help we can do this. Help me to help Arthur and share this petition as much as you can! Thank you all every so much!
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