We want a powerboat ramp at Widewater State Park!

  • al: mike c
  • destinatario: 1500
Recently the State of Virginia bought 1200 acre's on the Potomac River. One mile on the main river and one mile in Aquia creek. The LOCAL advisory committe  DOES NOT want a power boat ramp at this park. It would be a shame to have a park with 2 miles of water front land on the river and not have a boat ramp there. Let your voice be heard there will be no second chance, sign the petition and I will hand deliver it to the park planners so our voices will be heard.
thank you

To view the park please click on the following link:
We the undersigned would like to see a powerboat ramp at Widewater state park. There is a need for more ramps in stafford county. There are more and more people boating everyday, this ramp will end the current congestion and also help out in the furture.
thank you.
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