We can't allow the Chinese to slaughter mercilessly, by skinning ALIVE dogs, cats and other furry animals for furs and flesh. This is one of the vilest forms of business. There is a deafening silence of the European countries who are one of the main importers of this immoral trade. Some of these products are entering the US markets without any custom scrutiny. People, the blood and suffering of these animals are in your hands, if you continue to ignore the savagery, butchery and torture of these voiceless and defenseless creatures, than the sins of our silence makes us all cowards. Before this petition is written there are thousand of our pets are being killed with excruciating pain. Let us show the Chinese and other Asian countries (Thailand and Philippines) the main offenders in animal cruelty that WE ARE NOT TAKING IT ANYMORE!!
We will expose them to the four corners of the globe, we reinforce our support groups to campaign against these astrocities,we will network with consumers groups to BOYCOTT ALL Chinese, THAI and Philippines products, we will write pledges and letters to our lawmakers, president,ambassadors and animal agencies to voice our disgust and OUR ZERO TOLERANCE to these acts of torture to animals.