TORONTO Dog Friendly Restaurant Patios


For people who wish to dine at a restaurant patio with their dog, California is perhaps the  most dog friendly  place in North America. The state has been dog friendly for more than 20 years.  It does not matter if food is served outside or taken out by the customer, or if the seats are located on a patio, sidewalk, or in a fenced area as long as there is access through an outside gate or opening.

The Ontario Food Premises Regulation specifies "no live animals allow in food premises" [including dogs, cats, pet birds ...etc]. However, in Toronto, the Health policy specified if a patio is enclosed or fenced, with table service, it's designated as part of the food premise and no live animals allowed. There are out door areas [patio of a coffee shop, takeout food stands] where the operator put tables and chairs out but no table service, the policy does not apply.

People who travel with their dogs and take them around town have probably dined on a restaurant patio, coffee shop or fast food restaurant with their dog. With dogs being part of a large percentage [40%] of Toronto households it is time that we allow our four legged family members to be able to legally join us on restaurant patios. They are welcomed by airlines, hotels, banks, inside restaurants in Europe ...etc. They are part of our life and need to be welcomed.


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