STOP the EU Law to Club Puppies and Kittens...

DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN.. All in the name of greed so drug companies can cut costs and save money, poor animals will SUFFER... Take a Stand.... 

Puppies and kittens could be clubbed to death under new European Union regulations on the welfare of laboratory animals.

Currently, newborn puppies, kittens, ferrets and fox cubs which are not needed for scientific research are put to sleep.

But rules due to become law in the UK by 2013 sanction killing by a 'percussive blow to the head'.

Animal welfare charities have described the technique as 'officially sanctioned cruelty'.

And they have accused the Government of bowing to the wishes of drug companies anxious to cut costs.

The directive aims to harmonise standards on labs around the EU. Britain has the option of keeping its own higher welfare standards but shows no sign of doing so.

In a consultation document, the Home Office says that clubbing is likely be to humane – but public perception 'may be (very) poor'.  




The only thing the Government appears to care about is "poor public perception", with no concern for the animals.

'It reflects a deeply disturbing lack of basic morals, ethics and compassion.' The proposal covers very young dogs, kittens, ferrets and foxes, many of which are likely to have been bred specifically for use in experiments only to be killed because they are surplus to requirements.

In other cases, the mother animal may have been used for drug or other testing while the young were still in the womb.

Dr Lyons, one of Britain's leading experts on animal research policy, said that while universities and pharmaceutical companies will still have the option of putting the creatures to sleep, some may see clubbing as quicker and cheaper.

He said: 'It is one of the most extreme forms of officially sanctioned cruelty I have ever come across.'

The RSPCA says that following the directive would leave some animals in chronic severe pain, suffering or distress, as well as allowing inhumane killing.

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