Save The Moray Firth Dolphins.

The Moray Firth is home to a pod of bottlenose dolphins who have been encouraged to live and breed in the area. They are one of only two resident pods in the UK. These dolphins can be observed from the shore - one of the few places in the world where this is possible. They live in a protected area, but the government are prepared to drive them away by granting two companies licences to carry out seismic testing in an area that encroaches on the boundary of this area.
(Please go to WDCS for more details).
We have been lucky enough to see the Moray Firth dolphins playing and fishing with our own eyes. A  short video of our time there is available to watch here:

If you look to the right of the Youtube page you'll see many other Moray Firth Dolphin videos and the joy people get from watching them - showing just how beautiful they are, what an amazing pod they are and why we must protect them.

You can see a copy of the draft Appropriate Assessment here

We will be sending this petition to The Department of Energy and Climate Change and you can make your views known by notifying them too by October 12th via e-mail (marked "Block 17/3 Appropriate Assessment") to;

Or by letter to;
Irene Thomson
The Department of Energy and Climate Change
4th Floor Atholl House
86-88 Guild Street
Aberdeen AB11 6AR
Fax:  01224 254019

Thank you.
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